Monday, April 18, 2011

Stuck in Paradise

We are still in Puerto Vallarta not that we're complaining but we are anxious to get to LaPaz. We are waiting for engine parts that are coming from the states. There is a saying in Mexico "manana, manana" and boy do we believe it now.

Although we are still here we have been having fun with our friends: Blair and Susan. We went for a car ride south down to La Joya Mismaloya. This is where the resort is located that we s stayed at 18 years ago. Of course there is a lot more buildings but it looked the same. We also went to Chico's Paradise where there were kids diving into the pools for money, zip lines and a beautiful restaurant. The following paragraphs are from Jim:

We are a bit tired of being in a marina and are looking forward to sailing and being out on the anchor again where we can jump in the water and go to shore with our dingy or kayaks. The marina we are in isn’t dirty but it isn’t clean either and it does have a crocodile or two that we have seen. The golf course about a block away has about 14 crocodiles in its lagoons we are told. The only crocodile incident I have heard of was last year a drunk teenager lost an arm going after a soccer ball late one evening. About two to three large cruise ships anchor about a half-mile from us inside the entrance to the marina but they are only here less than 50% of the time. Most tourists are here for a week or two and when they hear that we are on an extended trip they're very surprised and interested in our journey. The marina we are in has a lot of large expensive motorboats. There is a 98 foot Leonardo Azimut model motor yacht behind us supposedly owned by Antonia Bandares. Linda is waiting for him to show. Most of the boats have captains and crew who live aboard and clean the boats every morning. At about 9:00 am they are all out washing the boats with some singing and with loud Mexican music blaring all around. It seems that there are no noise ordinances anywhere in Mexico either on the water or the city streets. Only a few times we have been waken up with loud music at 2:30 and 4:40 in the mornings.

The number of cruisers like us is getting fewer as the summer approaches. Some have gone north back to the states already, many are leaving their boats behind and flying home for the summer months and some are staying with their boats to brave the hot and humid rainy summer season not to mention the possibility of a hurricane. We will head for La Paz next week. Linda will fly to Seattle on May 4 for two weeks and I will go to Seattle on June 8th for a few weeks as well. Were still thinking of going to San Diego with the boat in July.

This has been a good winter to be away from Seattle. Hopefully better weather is ahead for you. We have not seen rain since before Christmas when we left San Diego, not one drop but they say they get quite a bit in the summer months. It’s sunny every day in the upper 80’s. In the afternoon it’s not possible to walk on the deck of the boat without wearing flip flops as the deck is so hot you will get blisters on the bottom of your feet after about 10 steps. When we’re not out exploring we work on the boat in the early morning and after 6:30 pm when it is cooler and hopefully with a breeze. We love being together, working on projects and dealing with issues as they come up. As long as the dollars hold up for repairs, parts, necessities and fun we don’t see an end to the journey as yet. Most of the time it’s like we are living in a movie set with different and unexpected things happening all around us. The people have been very friendly and helpful. We do have a problem with the language as about 85% of the locals we encounter do not speak any English and we have not done our part with Spanish. We anchored off some towns where none of the locals we encountered spoke any English at all, but we manage or did without some things that we could not find or ask how to find them.

The pics to the left are ones that we took when we went to Casa Isabel's with Blair and Susan. The owner of the restaurant sometimes will invite customers up to her apartment on the top floor for a tour. It was very interesting as she handed Jim a camera and said "you're the photographer" and then asked another fellow if he wanted a beer and of course he said yes and she told him "there's the frig-you're the bartender". I am standing in her kitchen. Needless to say I could "cook there". I am also putting in the pics we took of La Joya Mismaloys and Chico's Paradise. We hope that all is well with you all. We love you and think of you often. Jim and Linda

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