---Our Amel ketch named “Liebling” is for sale.----
She is a 1998 Super Maramu Hull Number 207. She is US Documented as 53 feet long although she measures 54’-4” from stern to end of bow sprit. She is in excellent condition and well equipped for immediate cruising and has been used as such for six plus months each year for the past five years. She is currently located in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and will be here for the next month before we work our way to La Paz on the South end of the Baha and then in late June we will bring her up to Long Beach, California. If we don’t sell Liebling we will continue to play with her in Southern CA for a while. The reason we are returning to the US is that my wife has been ill, needs to be near her doctors and therefore is no longer able to be on the boat for long periods of time. If you would like to visit us along our slow journey to California please let me know.----
Liebling has had only two owners and both of us have loved her and kept her in pristine condition. The original owner, an engine maintenance guru, continues to sail with us each year. As she is ready to cruise and in great condition we are hoping to sell her for about $310,000 US dollars. Included with this price is $35,000 to $50,000 in spares, upgrades and extras relating to the cruising life style. ----
Our intentions when purchasing Liebling over 10 years ago was to cruise from Seattle to the Mediterranean. Although that dream was not realized we have had many other adventures on Liebling the last 5 years along the Pacific coast of the US and Mexico down to within 10 miles of Guatemala. Due to the fact that the boat has always been relatively close to major cities we have been able to acquire factory parts when needed and therefore Liebling has been kept in excellent mechanical and cosmetic condition. ----
Like some boats Liebling has not been abused by constantly sailing in heavy weather conditions and rough seas. Therefore the standing rigging and other connections appear to have substantial life left before needing replacement. Also, the wife of the first/former owner of the boat was a commercial airline pilot out of San Francisco who used the boat as a condo between her flights as their home was several hours away from the SF airport.----
The boat is equipped with two 24 volt Solar panels one on each stern rail for a total of 430 watts of solar power. Each panel is mounted on specially designed hinges that allow the panels to be swung and hung either inside or outside of the rails and also allow the panels to be positioned 360 degrees between the inner and outer positions. ----
In addition to the standard European 220 volt power outlets Liebling has been retrofitted with 110 volt power outlets to allow for US standard appliances and products such as computers and fans to be plugged in throughout the boat. These 110 plugs are either powered through the inverter or when at the dock via a 110 v 30 amp connection directly to shore power which has been added near the boats cockpit. ----
In addition to the standard 95 amp 220 volt battery charger a 40 amp Master Volt smart charger has been added. The Master Volt charger is powered by either 110 volts or 220 volts which means it can be used with the 220 volt generator, 220 volt shore power or 110 volt shore power to charge the 24 volt house battery bank. ----
A new four man life raft was purchased for the boat about 4 years ago in San Diego. ----
A unique sun cover was specifically designed for Liebling and allows for full head height between it and the deck below. The sun cover has helped to protect the boat from the sun when at the dock and when we are away from the boat. The cost of the cover was about $3,000. ----
The music sound system consists of 8 quality speakers which can be localized and selected to have music playing in selected portions of the boat including the main salon, master state room and the cock pit. ----
In addition to the original Autohelm navigation chart plotter navigation system, a primary and upgraded computer navigation system has been added with duel monitors one located opposite the helm in the cockpit and the other located in the main salon down below. ----
Sails: The three specialty (colorful blue white red color sails) asymmetrical spinnaker, ballooner and mizzen stay sail are in original as new condition due to them being used infrequently and being stored in dry condition. The three main white sails have been used but not extensively. Only the mizzen sail shows signs of wear as it is the only original sail still being used. The main sail and the head sail were replaced about 7 years ago. If I were to keep the boat and continue only sailing up and down the pacific coast I would not be changing the sails at this time. ----
Most of the running rigging has been replaced in the last three years.
The boat has been equipped with AIS “Automated Information System” radio sending and receiver to monitor the identity, course, speed and position of passing freighters, and other large vessels as well as letting others know Liebling’s similar information. Sending of Liebling’s information can be disabled on a case by case basis. ----
Bow thruster; Liebling is equipped with the standard powerful Amel retractable bow-thruster which makes handling into tight spaces much easier. ----
Water Tight: Liebling like most Super Maramus has never had a water leak of any sort. The deck to hull joint on the Amel is the best in the industry. Also as you may or may not know the boat has seven separate water tight compartments in case of a disaster at sea.
The 80 HP turbo charged Volvo Penta engine, 6.5 KW Onan generator, water maker, water heater, Air conditioning water pump, house water pump, filters and battery chargers are located in the water tight and sound reducing stand up engine room. All equipment is in great running condition and in use at this time. ----
Haul out and bottom painting has been done on a regular basis every two to three years with a current haul out for bottom painting completed a few weeks ago. ----
Liebling was also featured on the cover of “Blue Water Sailing” magazine in April 2013 when we were sailing her in Zihuatanejo. ----
If you have additional questions or would like to fly in and visit us we would love to hear from you. I can be reached by phone on my US phone. ----
Phone number is 206 650-3901. And my email address is jdesalvo@quantumce.com and or LdesaLvo@bigplanet.com. -----
If you have any interest in Liebling let me know and I will forward current pictures of her. ----
Best Wishes, Jim DeSalvo, S/V Liebling ----